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I am very glad that I chose your course, because I liked your approach and have a very nice guy, was nice meeting you ... Regarding technology, the course has helped me significantly and I am happy that I have perfected ... :)

Mária Bachanová (30) maria.bachanova@hotmail.com

Thank you for the opportunity to attend your courses until I drew a little, now I use color ... I even sold a few already own creations. So I recommend to all who love to drift from reality just using brushes, pencils and carbon ... Thank you!

Pavla Jánošiová (35) janosiova@markiza.sk

The rate of drawing, which I took from the end of the holidays, I was very happy. I like the dynamic approach to getting to know my new painting techniques and different artistic directions. Also, free themes by treatment assignment taught me a little speak with paintings and drawings. From the beginning it was free for me handling difficult issues. But gradually I learned not to be afraid to express the theme color. We also work with oil strongly impressed upon me, that I was always afraid and I thought it was only for true artists, but it's not so difficult. So I recommend to all who wish to create and see the world differently.

Iveta Halajová (37) iveta.halaj@centrum.sk

As a beginner, I graduated from a 3-month course, which was in my view very beneficial. Comfort, as always you have everything ready, nice teacher, what you effectively lead, great music and creating the right atmosphere your own images from which you can enjoy. Two hours were to wipe my weekly escape from reality and I think that I learned a lot.

Andrej Kubík (21) andrej.kubik@post.sk

This course helped me prepare for the entrance exam to the Faculty of Architecture, which I later successfully managed. I also provide some form of relaxation after a busy day and the opportunity to self-realization through works that we create. I highly recommend anyone who wants to break away for a while from the hustle and bustle of today's world.

Zarina Šimkovičová (20) z.simkovicova@centrum.sk

These art courses helped me to facilitate drawing and develop my imagination and creativity. I also have been helpful in computer graphics. In every respect, it was very interesting and inspiring time.

Jana Prechtlová (18) aisha.bf@azet.sk

I attended drawing and painting courses for three months. It took me an individual approach, the diversity of styles and subjects. I had the opportunity to try and get me a lot of new techniques.

Daniel Brokeš (27) brokes6@post.sk

Hours spent with pencil, carbon and colors were wonderfully magical to me, like when you come back to haunt, where he has long been ... sometimes be zastaviťa return one step back in order to have more room to start ...

Zuzana Maťusová (31) zuziana@centrum.sk

The course taught me to relax Kramáre every Tuesday and otherwise perceive colors and overall surface of the paper as it was before. The courses that I took, but here we listened to music.

Zuzana Shmuckerová (16)

This course provides an overview of techniques and artistic directions in theory, but mainly practical terms. It is a good opportunity for workers.

Silvia Trnovská (16) sisik@zoznam.sk

Everyone should at least try to give life to what would be spiritually enriched and fulfilled the. Painting for me is of particular relevance. Evening studio gives me a sense of fulfillment and intellectual development is.

Ján Straninský (27) jstraninsky@iutrum.sk

For me, the course was very nice variegation week and always have been pleasantly spent two hours a week. The fact that we were able to go all artistic styles, I found out what fits me the most, and I think that everyone has the opportunity to find it.

Gabika Ševčíková (29) gabriela.sevcikova@islsp.sk

Easy way here I passed the interesting lessons painting techniques and procedures, creating interesting compositions and mood image processing different themes. I moved a piece of their own boundaries just by following the different methods - some are very honest and straightforward, others symbolic and mysterious. Probably after every few months, as I am surprised by their own skill.

Ľubica Vrančíková (36) vrancikova@zoznam.sk

This course is not for me to just relax after a busy day, but showed me how to improve on a variety of artistic techniques. Thanks to him, I paint the way I feel.

Zuzana Laslopová (16) zulas@pobox.sk

It is a beautiful and exciting colors to express themselves. Before, I only capture the reflections of reality. Here I learned painting feel your feelings and put brush to paper. It certainly opened my soul, and also outward to other people

Hana Kolejak (27) hanatoth@yahoo.com

That man's possibilities are unlimited under good leadership, I found out at the very first lesson in the relax center. Then I first time in my life drew human head! Until then, I do not let such a topic ever since it seemed to me that it is beyond my power. This is my head too, although nothing like the John the Baptist, which we drew, but I was excited like a little kid. And so it went from hour to hour. I have overcome the fear of it, that I fail to portray something in my imagination (which happens quite often), I want to draw and I do not care whether I can do to my satisfaction for 5 or 25 years.

Zlata Klaučová (51) zlatka.klaucova@post.sk

... Course has become for me a valve of everyday life, a space for self-expression language, which is deprived of the necessary effort to understand ...

Peter Kohút (30) kohut.peter@mail.sk

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